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Repertoire Database

Our greatest resource is the music. This annotated repertoire list is searchable by type of technique used, specific instrument, compser and year of compostition. This is intended as a guide and resource and also as a living catalogue. We encourage new submissions to the list. Many thanks to Helen Bledsoe who has passed on her list to us to continue its growth.


Click here to Submit a Piece for the List!

Level Key:

I (Easy) Moderate tempo(s), straightforward rhythms (or rhythms completely free), mainly diatonic. All extended techniques, 1/4 or microtones are slow, so there is time to set them up.


II (Medium) Faster tempos, but the really rapid passages are diatonic/chromatic (no difficult microtonal passages), may include the more unusual time signatures.


III (Difficult) Includes rapid passages that may have some micro-tones or quarter-tones, difficult multiphonics or other extended techniques, complex rhythms, may use 4th octave notes above high D.


IV (Very Difficult) May include rapid micro-tone or quarter-tone passages, high degree of rhythmic complexity, extremes of range (may include extended passages above high D), difficult multiphonics, rapid changes from one extended technique to another, and a general high level of energy. These pieces should be real tests of endurance. 


We stand by a person's right to privacy to divulge (or not!) their gender identity and orientation. We do not publish this information unless it is composer submitted and confirmed that they wish to have the information published. We do not tolerate harassment. If you are found to be using that information for nefarious purposes, you will be banned from this site. 


  • Click on the arrows above above each category to sort the entire database by that category.

  • Scroll from right to left to see all the categories.


Pualani Flute (Nicole Schaeffer) has put together a fab resource of works by female compoasers across all time periods that you can check out here: Virtuosa Flute Solos


Database Key:


Dif= Difficulty (I-IV)

Air = Aeolian/air sounds

Beatbox= Beatbox

Bisb= Bisbigliando

Circ= Circular Breathing

Flutter= Flutter Tongue

Gliss= Glissando/Pitch Bend

Harm= Harmonics

Jet= Jet Whistle

Key= Key Clicks

Micro= Microtones

Multi= Multiphonics

Pizz= Pizzicato (lip/tongue)

Sing= Singing & Playing, use of voice

Tpt= Trumpet Embouchure

TRam= Tongue Ram

WT= Whistle Tones

Click Here for a larger view of the database.
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FluteXpansions has been created  in collaboration with the generous support of the Zurich University of the Arts.


FluteXpansions entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK).

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